Continuity Editing
For the audience to enjoy the film they need to understand the narrative and not get confused by it. One aspect of editing which allows the audience to not get confused is the shots flowing smoothly so they aren't distracted by the editing points.The main purpose of continuity editing is to create a seamless order of scenes.
Shot size
The change in shots and shot sizes allows the audience to remain interested in the film and it avoids repetition. Close ups can highlight the importance of an object or person.
Cross cutting
Cross cutting is used to build suspense. It involves the editing together of shots which continues the narrative.
Eye line match
Used when there is a conversation and any interaction between two characters, there is always a eye contact between them.
Match on action
The editing together of two shots which are from different angles or shot sizes which allows the audience to have a different perspective of the scene and gives them more detail.
Match cut
When two objects of the same size are edited together. Two scenes are edited together which have the same object within it.
Shot reverse shot
When two shots from different angles are edited together.
Jump cut
A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two shots of the same thing are taken
from camera positions that are slightly different. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time.
A series of short shots which are edited together to condense time, space and information.
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